Here are a few updates on what's been happening at Balanced Energy Reflexology.
I have been quite busy these last few months as I have been attending a few training opportunities. I have listed out the courses that I have advanced in.
- Advanced Ear Reflexology a webinar course that demonstrated how ear reflexology can be helpful for musculoskeletal issues.
-Advanced Hand Reflexology taught by Louise Keet, an author and principle of the London School of Reflexology. I had an amazing opportunity to attend an accredited training program for advanced hand reflexes.
-Pregnancy Reflexology also taught by Louise Keet, a teacher with over 20 years of reflexology experience. This weekend long training course has certified me in preconception, pregnancy and post-natal care reflexology. This accredited course allows me to assist my clients through an amazing chapter in their lives. This training was my husband's least favorite, (he was my model for the training), as he had to endure hours of pregnancy anatomy and physiology related discussion.
-Bergman Method Facial Reflexology taught by Ziggy Bergman, UK’s leading expert in facial reflexology. This 2-day course was developed by Ms. Bergman and it is the first and only facial reflexology course to incorporate Zone Therapy, which is what foot reflexology is based on.
My husband stated this was his favorite class and would volunteer for any future model positions. It was one of my preferred as well, I had him asleep in 5 minutes and absolutely floating for the rest of the day. Perfect!
I will be incorporating these new protocols into sessions throughout the next couple of months.

I am always striving to enhance my skills, so I can be the best for my clients.